Pandemoniac Pages

Friday, June 28, 2019


"The Great Race's members were immense rugose cones ten feet high, and with head and other organs attached to foot-thick, distensible limbs spreading from the apexes. They spoke by the clicking or scraping of huge paws or claws attached to the end of two of their four limbs, and walked by the expansion and contraction of a viscous layer attached to their vast, ten-foot bases."

"These members were sometimes contracted almost to nothing, and sometimes extended to any distance up to about ten feet. Terminating two of them were enormous claws or nippers. At the end of a third were four red, trumpetlike appendages. The fourth terminated in an irregular yellowish globe some two feet in diameter and having three great dark eyes ranged along its central circumference. Surmounting this head were four slender grey stalks bearing flower-like appendages, whilst from its nether side dangled eight greenish antennae or tentacles. The great base of the central cone was fringed with a rubbery, grey substance which moved the whole entity through expansion and contraction."
H.P. Lovecraft, The Shadow Out Of Time

Thursday, June 27, 2019


"And hoary Nodens raised a howl of triumph when Nyarlathotep, close on his quarry, stopped baffled by a glare that seared his formless hunting-horrors to grey dust."
H.P. Lovecraft, Dream-Quest Of Unknown Kadath

"And in the air about him were great viperine creatures, which had curiously distorted heads, and grotesquely great clawed appendages, supporting themselves with ease by the aid of black rubbery wings of singularly monstrous dimensions."
H.P. Lovecraft & August Derleth, The Lurker At the Threshold

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


"...the basis of the fear was a horrible elder race of half-polypous, utterly alien entities which had come through space from immeasurably distant universes and had dominated the earth and three other solar planets about 600 million years ago."

"There were veiled suggestions of a monstrous plasticity, and of temporary lapses of visibility, while other fragmentary whispers referred to their control and military use of great winds. Singular whistling noises, and colossal footprints made up of five circular toe marks, seemed also to be associated with them."H.P. Lovecraft, The Shadow Out Of Time

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


"There (thought I) lie scenes of pleasure
Where the free and blessed dwell,
And Each moment bears a treasure
Freighted with a lotus-spell,
And there floats a liquid measure
From the lute of Israfel."
H.P. Lovecraft, Astrophobos

"In Islamic tradition Israfel is the angel who will blow the last trumpet to signal the Day of Judgement and the resurrection of the faithful."
Carol Rose, Spirits, Fairies, Leprechauns, and Goblins

"Isrāfīl is usually conceived as having a huge, hairy body that is covered with mouths and tongues and that reaches from the seventh heaven to the throne of God. One wing protects his body, another shields him from God, while the other two extend east and west."
Encyclopedia Britannica

Monday, June 24, 2019


"It was of no use to demonstrate to such opponents that the Vermont myths differed but little in essence from those universal legends of natural personification which filled the ancient world with fauns and dryads and satyrs, suggested the kallikanzari of modern Greece, and gave to wild Wales and Ireland their dark hints of strange, small, and terrible hidden races of troglodytes and burrowers."
H.P. Lovecraft, The Whisperer In Darkness

The kallikantzaroi are monstrous beings, black, hairy, sometimes gigantic, sometimes very small, usually equipped with animal-like limbs: donkeys' ears, goatish paws, equine hooves. They are often blind or lame; they are invariably males provided with enormous sexual organs."

"They pounce on anyone they see, overwhelm them and with their nails (which are clawlike and very long because they never cut them) scratch their face and chest and left on the ground half-dead."
 Carlo Ginzburg, Ecstasies: Deciphering the Witches' Sabbath