Pandemoniac Pages

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


"They shoved me forward to where I could look down into the lake. The ferns and water were unusually mobile tonight, but I didn't realize what was making them move until an eye rose above the surface. and stared moistly at me. Two others followed it - and, worst of all, none of them was in a face. When the body heaved up behind them I shut my eyes and shrieked for help - to whom I don't know; I had a weird idea that someone was in the house here and could help me. Then i felt a tearing pain in my chest, neutralized by a numbness which spread through my whole body. And I regarded the object I had seen rising from the lake with no horror whatever."

"The centre of each picture was, it was obvious, the being know as Gla'aki. From an oval body protruded countless thin, pointed spines of multicolored metal' at the more rounded end of the oval a circular, thick-lipped mouth formed the centre of a spongy face, from which rose three yellow eyes on thin stalks. Around the underside of the body were many white pyramids, presumably used for locomotion. The diameter of the body must have been about ten feet at its least width."
Ramsey Campbell, The Inhabitant Of the Lake


  1. That's a thing of beauty! So, what, I lick it's back and have visions?

  2. Repeat: "AND the Ramsey Campbell NCon Special WILL be a sell out!" NICE!

  3. Nick, I think if you lick it's back it plunges one of those spines into your face and you become its undead servant?

    Thanks Joey!

  4. The face is quite simply outstanding, but I feel that the spines should be much longer, more prominent and more threatening.
