Pandemoniac Pages

Friday, August 9, 2024



Hey everyone! Just an update to say my fully illustrated edition of H.P. Lovecraft's Commonplace Book is out now! AND I'll be at NecronomiCon in a week signing them! I'll have these and a bunch of zines at my Seventh Church Ministries table. I'll be on 2 panels during the con both on Sunday: 

Sunday 11:00AM Weird By Any Other Name: Margaret St. Clair – Providence Ballroom, Omni Hotel, 2nd floor

Sunday 3:30PM Tales From a Dying Earth: Clark Ashton Smith’s Zothique Cycle – Providence Ballroom, Omni Hotel, 2nd floor

 Due to the ongoing Covid surge and the Con's decision to not require masks, I'll only be at my table for 1hour a day. I'll post time's closer to the Con. 

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