Friday, August 9, 2024



Hey everyone! Just an update to say my fully illustrated edition of H.P. Lovecraft's Commonplace Book is out now! AND I'll be at NecronomiCon in a week signing them! I'll have these and a bunch of zines at my Seventh Church Ministries table. I'll be on 2 panels during the con both on Sunday: 

Sunday 11:00AM Weird By Any Other Name: Margaret St. Clair – Providence Ballroom, Omni Hotel, 2nd floor

Sunday 3:30PM Tales From a Dying Earth: Clark Ashton Smith’s Zothique Cycle – Providence Ballroom, Omni Hotel, 2nd floor

 Due to the ongoing Covid surge and the Con's decision to not require masks, I'll only be at my table for 1hour a day. I'll post time's closer to the Con.