"A comly youth, in with and learning great,
Skill'd in each art, and master of debate-
Yet pensive now, since Eros' cruel dart
Had pierc'd his own, but not his Delia's, heart."
H.P. Lovecraft, Why the Trees Are Tall
"He is generally described as a son of Aphrodite; but
as love finds its way into the hearts of men in a manner which no one
knows, the poets sometimes describe him as of unknown origin 2), or they say that he had indeed a mother, but not a father. In this stage Eros has nothing to do with uniting
the discordant elements of the universe, or the higher sympathy or love
which binds human kind together; but he is purely the god of sensual
love, who bears sway over the inhabitants of Olympus as well as over men
and all living creatures: he tames lions and tigers, breaks the
thunderbolts of Zeus, deprives Heracles of his arms, and carries on his
sport with the monsters of the sea. His arms, consisting of
arrows, which he carries in a quiver, and of torches,
no one can
touch with impunity."
"His arrows are of different power: some are golden,
and kindle love in the heart they wound; others are blunt and heavy with
lead, and produce aversion to a lover. Eros is further represented with golden wings, and as
fluttering about like a bird. His eyes
are sometimes covered,
so that he acts blindly."
Sir William Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythology
Are we to see more Roman Greek gods next week, assorted monsters mentioned, or more great old ones?