Tuesday, November 17, 2020


By day, rokurokubi appear to be ordinary women. By night, however, their bodies sleep while their necks stretch to an incredible length and roam around freely. Sometimes their heads attack small animals, sometime they lick up lamp oil with their long tongue, and sometimes they just cause mischief by scaring nearby people.

Matthew Meyer, Yokai.com

Among them are famous yuirei (ghosts), teenage (supernatural beings with both human and bird-like characteristics) and rokurokubi (phantoms with impossibly stretching necks, or heads that come off and fly around), all of which appear in 

Laficadio Hearn, Japanese Ghost Stories

“A rokuro-kubi is ordinarily conceived as a goblin whose neck stretches out to great lengths, but which nevertheless always remains attached to its body.”

Lafcadio Hearn, Kwaidan: Stories and Studies Of Strange Things

1 comment:

  1. Ah, it's actually Yurei you mean, right? Yūrei (yuurei 幽霊) or is it some different spelling? Btw your work is great! Keep it up. I want to work with folklore as well.
