"In the tunnels of that twisted wood, whose low prodigious oaks twine groping boughs and shine dim with the phosphorescence of strange fungi, dwell the furtive and secretive zoogs;"
"Most of them live in burrows, but some inhabit the trunks of the great trees; and although they live mostly on fungi it is muttered that they have also a slight taste for meat, either physical or spiritual, for certainly many dreamers have entered that wood who have not come out."
"It was the zoogs, for one sees their weird eyes long before one can discern their small, slippery brown outlines."
H.P. Lovecraft, Dream-Quest Of Unknown Kadath
You sir are consistently awesome.
ReplyDeleteThanks man!!
ReplyDeleteJesus. That thing looks like it wants to steal my radio for meth money.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't Zoogs have some tentacles in their face?
ReplyDeleteBut this thing looks cool. Like a weasel on speed. :D
haha Nah the tentacles on the face thing was added in the Peteresen's Guide that Chaosium put out. There's no mention of tentacles on their faces in the actual Dream-Quest story