Tuesday, May 14, 2019


"The naga was massive, wingspan of ten houses, clawed feet and barbed tail, mouth big enough to swallow a person whole."
JY Yang, The Black Tides Of Heaven

"Above all, there were the naga. More lizard than serpent, they soared through the skies on wings of leather, bird boned and jewel toned. These were apex predators, graceful and deadly, inscribed into the journals of adventurers with a kind of reverence reserved for the gods of old. A single bite could cut a man in half."
JY Yang, The Red Threads Of Fortune

"The word literally means 'snake' in Sanskrit but in Java it normally referred to serpent deities. Serpents in ancient Java and India were usually connected with water and fertility. They can be either good or evil. On Borobudur they are depicted in human form, but elsewhere they may appear in their natural animal shape."
Oleh John Miksic, Borobudur: Golden Tales Of the Buddhas

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