"The thing called Mop-Head was not an animal or plant or rock, although, by now it was a little of each. It had no definite body, and it longed for one. A scrap of elemental force that had drifted down over the field from far-off places, and settled long ago in the forgotten well, it had gradually build itself a body and consciousness over the years."
"From darkness and silence and damp, out of earth-mold and wet leaves and blown dandelions, of scum and spiders' legs and ants' mandibles and the brittle bones of moles it formed a shape and a sentience."
"The rising moon glistened on its fuzzy grayness, glittered in its many eyes. Its antenna waved in the warm air and the thing whimpered a little."
"Barndollar though he saw something run out of the dead mouth— 'like a big curly-haired mole, or a kind of shaggy spider,' as he described it later."
Leah Bodine Drake, Mop-Head
Read Scott's essay about Mop-Head here
Read Scott's essay about Mop-Head here