"'It's curious, we are much more afraid of the Others, who aren't very dangerous, than of the bubbles. I suppose it's because the horror of the Others upsets us whereas the bubbles have a sort of perfect beauty.' It's true, bubbles are rather pretty. I often watch them float outside."
Julia Verlanger, The Bubbles
"The Others change. Instead of being dissolved by the slime from the bubbles, they rise a moment later, apparently unharmed. But, some days later, things grow on them! Many arms, like the woman who looks like the goddess in the old book. Or loads of legs, or eyes everywhere, or two heads, or an assortment of mouths on their neck and chest. It's horrible!"
"I wonder if he is maybe outside, with lots of arms or legs, or if all his hair has fallen out and many eyes have sprouted on his head, or if... But I don't want to think about it."
Julia Verlanger, The Bubbles