"187 Dream of awaking in vast hall of strange architecture, with sheet-covered forms on slabs—in positions similar to one’s own. Suggestions of disturbingly non-human outlines under sheets. One of the objects moves and throws off sheet—non-terrestrial being revealed. Sugg. that oneself is also such a being—mind has become transferred to body on other planet."
H.P. Lovecraft, Commonplace Book
Holy mother ov all strangeness! :D
ReplyDeleteAwesome, this is so strange! I love how you come up with these.
ReplyDeleteOh, and "Things happen"? I can imagine what kinds of things. Oh Lovecraft...
"Things happen."
ReplyDeleteTruly the genious of Ech Piel at work. :/
Is the head of the creature implied to BE the bridge here? Because it sort of looks like it. Either way this is a really gorgeous design. <3
ohhh no, that's a cool idea though. I read it as a thing that was trapped IN the bridge...like within the masonry of one of the pylons....