Friday, April 17, 2020


“And something showed itself there in the swampiness. A lump like a head rose into view, with two larger lumps like shoulders just below it.”

“Two slab-like paws caught the bald rim of the circle and a great shaggy shape humped itself up and out and stood erect before him. It was taller even than Thunstone, broader even than he was and it looked nothing natural. In the dancing light of the torch, it seemed to be thatched over with dark, wet fronds and tussocks. Its head was draped with such stuff. Though which gleamed two closely set eyes, pale as white hot iron. A mouth opened in the tangle and out came a rumbling shout like the roar of a great beast. It slouched heavily towards him on two feet like shovels.”

“It’s great long forelimbs rose like derricks. Thunstone saw talons, pale and deadly.”

“The weedy bulk almost forced him back.”
Manly Wade Wellman, Rouse Him Not

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