"As we sat down under this tree and were thinking about that night's danger, there we saw a "Spirit of Prey", he was big as a hippopotamus, but he was walking upright as a human-being; his both legs had two feet and tripled his body, his head was just like a lion's head and every part of his body was covered with hard scales, each of these scales was the same in size as a shovel or hoe, and all curved towards his body. If this "Spirit of Prey" wanted to catch his prey, he would simply be looking at it and stand in one place, he was not chasing his prey about, and when he focused the prey well, then he would close his large eyes, but before he would open his eyes, the prey would already be dead and drag itself to him at the place that he stood."
Amos Tutuola, The Palm-Wine Drinkard