Wednesday, July 24, 2013


"To go and see him laid to rest. 
God speed his soul! I trust he'll rove 
In peace 'mid Seraphim above-"
H.P. Lovecraft, On the Death Of a Rhyming Critic

"The name, a Hebrew masculine plural form, designates a special class of heavenly attendants of Yahweh's court. Many scholars prefer to derive it from the Hebrew noun saraph, "a fiery and flying serpent", spoken of in Numbers 21:6; Isaiah 14:29, and the brazen image of which stood in the Temple in Isaiahs's time."
The Catholic Encyclopedia
"Upon this, the Lord sent serpents among them, with fire in their fangs, that struck at many and killed many of them."
The Holy Bible, Numbers 21

"I saw the Lord sitting on a throne that towered high above me, the skirts of his robe filling the temple. Above it rose the figures of the seraphim, each of them six-winged; with two wings they veiled God’s face, with two his feet, and the other two kept them poised in flight."
The Holy Bible, Isaiah 6

 "The seraphim are frequently mentioned in the Book of Enoch, where they are designated as δράκονες ("serpents"), and are always mentioned, in conjunction with the cherubim, as the heavenly creatures standing nearest to God."
The Jewish Encyclopedia

1 comment:

  1. You know, I, to be honest, find the seraphim contradictory. Normally in Christianity or Judaism, snakes are presented as evil, as well as dragons. I find it hard to believe that Yahweh or God would actually hire something so frightening to any herptophobe, yet in the end, turned out to be loyal.
