Friday, April 23, 2021



"In size, the mokele-mbembe rivaled an elephant, though their proportions were dissimilar. The mokele-mbembe's shape resembled that of a lizard, but its smooth, slate-gray hide lacked the scales of a reptile. Though its color was similar to that of a hippopotamus, those river-beasts, for all their bulk and formidable teeth, were to mokele-mbembe what a sheep is to a lion."

"The mokele-mbembe's elongated body was supple as a serpent's, and its long tail lashed the surface of the lake. Its legs jutted from its sides like those of a crocodile, but they were longer, capable of raising the creature's body high above the water. Its neck was also long, and was surmounted by a relatively small head that was nonetheless armed with a fearsome array of teeth."

"At the end of mokele-mbembe's nose, a long, slender horn grew like that of a rhinoceros."
Charles R. Saunders, Dossouye

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