"Lloigor, Zhar and Ithaqua shall ride the spaces among the stars and shall ennoble those who are their followers, who are the Tcho-Tcho; Cthugha shall encompass his dominion from Fomalhaut; Tzathoggua shall come from N'kai..."
H.P. Lovecraft & August Derleth, The Lurker At the Threshold
"Thereupon he launched into a south-shaking account of incredible, ancient evil, of Great Old Ones akin to the elemental forces-The Fire-Being, Cthugha;"
August Derleth, The Watcher From the Sky
"Then shall Cthugha come in fire and flame to claim that which has rightfully been His from the beginning of time."
"He hung motionless in a black, forbidding sky and at first thought he was suspended somewhere in the intrasolar deeps much closer to the Sun than on Earth. But then he realized that the dully gleaming orb which floated before his dreaming vision was not the Sun."
John Glasby, The Black Mirror
Cthughy and Tcho tcho?
ReplyDeleteSounds like a train.
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ReplyDeleteI think they compliment each other rightly. Especially Lurker at the Threshold. I couldn't tell where one writer ended and the other began. Probably remains my favorite story, just because of the maddening sight seen through the stained glass window ;D